Monday, December 18, 2006

Our Visit with Santa

Santa and Mrs. Claus showed up at Story Hour at the library.

Cora sat on Santa's lap long enough to get her picture taken, grab her candy cane, and run. As with all strangers, she didn't have anything to say to him.
Anna, however, was her usual gregarious self.
Matthew whispered his wish, even though he's been announcing it, praying about it, and listing it as the one thing he's thankful for on his Thanksgiving turkey. . .he wants a blue four wheeler like little Remy's.


Just a few pics of the kids in their Halloween costumes. We went with Renaissance princess and knight for Anna and Matthew, so that they could use their costumes next year at the Festival. Cora was supposed to be a Renaissance princess too, but when her costume arrived, mommy was unhappy with it, so sent it back. She got to be a unicorn instead. Maybe we'll make a princess costume before the Festival for her!