When Duane and I attended the homeschool conference in Kansas City this spring, I met a girl (she has to be a girl, she is only 4 years older than me, and I'm not old enough to be a lady) with eight children. She taught me how to tie my baby on with a simple piece of cloth. She also encouraged me to try using cloth diapers again. I had tried this with Anna, and given up, mainly because I disliked the stinky diaper pail, and scrubbing them out in the toilet. She told me that neither of these are necessary, and that a "wet" diaper pail for soaking the diapers is actually detrimental, as it causes the cloth to weaken and deteriorate faster. So, I gave it another try, and not only is it so much easier than I remember from Anna, but it seems very natural and right to have my baby swaddled in cloth instead of wrapped in plastic. I have even learned how to sew my own diapers and diaper covers. So, some pictures.

Reagan in her cloth diaper.

A close-up of the second fleece diaper cover I made; I made the pattern by tracing a disposable diaper that is currently too large for her, so that there would be room inside for the cloth diaper.

Reagan, snoozing in her comfy fleece cover. With these, you don't need plastic/nylon covers, and they can be worn for quite a while before washing, unless poop gets on them. The pee doesn't even make them damp!
I will post some pictures of Reagan tied on with a simple piece of cloth when Duane is home to take them.
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