I wanted to take a picture of Cora wearing the dress Anna wore as a flower girl for Matt and Alyssa's wedding. She refused to just stand normally and let me take a picture. Every time I went to snap the picture, she jumped into a new pose.
Remington went home from Grandma Camp early Saturday morning, but the rest of the grandkids were there for this picture. Now don't those two look like trouble waiting to happen? Ruby seems to enjoy having a messy face- much more so than Stella ever did! The kids had a good time, but they sure were happy to see their parents!
The kids really enjoyed Chris and Andy's swimming pool. We all had a great weekend, and enjoyed the camping, visiting, and eating, but the swimming was definitely a highlight for the kids. This was the sunset when we came off the cinder path one weekend after picking wild grapes with Mom. Matthew thought the sky was so beautiful, he just had to have a picture of it. He was trying to take the picture through the van window, and just kept getting smeary fingerprints from the glass, so I took the picture for him outside the van.